Remembering Pulse and Creating Kindness
It has been one year since the Pulse Nightclub shooting in Orlando, Fla. Orlando took the time to reflect on this tragedy and how it shaped not only Orlando but the rest of the country. Days after the terrible incident our community and those around Central Florida came together to start the process of healing. We took some time to look back at our feelings and thoughts after what seemed like Orlando’s darkest hours, in the blog we wrote one year ago. Now that a year has passed we as a community feel stronger and more united.
The City of Orlando and Orange County Government in collaboration with Pulse have jointly designated June 12, 2017, as “Orlando United Day- A Day of Love and Kindness.” Orlando United Day is an opportunity for individuals to join in Acts of Love and Kindness. As a company, every Kavaliro employee participated in doing 49 acts of kindness in 49 hours. We asked our team to share a few of the things they did for their communities with us.
“The Jacksonville team wrote a thank you note to the lovely couple who run the café in our building. Obviously, we love their food, but the note was to thank them for the positive attitude they always share with us and everybody else in the building. We all signed the card and put the Kavaliro 49 acts info in it as well. It made them smile even more.”
-Team Jacksonville
“We bought 2 cups coffee drinks in line at Starbucks, and paid for someone’s dinner at Black Bean Deli, both sets of people were grateful, even though they didn’t know it was us, it was nice to see their gratitude”.
-Alexis Madson (Orlando)
“I involved my kids in doing acts of kindness; I wanted to show kindness to those around them. While at the grocery store with my 3-year-old on Saturday morning, she offered to help a woman put her groceries on the belt. I keep “blessing bags” in my car (Ziploc bags with granola bars, a bottle of water, snacks, etc.) to give to those in need. I was pulling out of a shopping center on Friday night and noticed a woman and her children with a sign, so I pulled over and gave her every bag I had in my car.”
-Kate White (California)
“I lost my little pup Peanut to old age earlier this year. My husband and I decided it was time to adopt another dog but were having trouble finding the right fit. I decided we should volunteer at a shelter to learn more about the pups around us who need homes. After we had worked with VIP Pet Rescue for just a few hours, we knew we needed to be foster parents to some of the sweet cats and dogs in need of a good home. I am currently fostering two little puppies who are simply the smartest and most loving.”
-Kim Dvorscak (Orlando)
“My girls and I did acts of kindness a few months ago so that I could set the example for them of being selfless. When I told them Kavaliro was going to be doing 49 acts of kindness in 49 hours, they were so excited. We talked about it over dinner, and they came up with a list of things they wanted to do. In the end, we assisted a family of 4 who was not able to get to their car as it was raining hard. They had two babies with them. We shared our umbrella and got them all to their vehicle. We also welcomed a new neighbor to our building with a card. She was so appreciative as she had just moved to the US from North Africa and did not know anyone at all.”
-Kerry Williams (Orlando)
These were just some of the many acts of kindness the members of our company did for their local communities. We had way more than 49 acts done by the various members of our team, everything from changing someone’s flat tire, to donating money to get iPads for a classroom of students on free and reduced lunch.
One of the pillars of our company is the community. Our goal is to give back as much to the communities we work in as we can. Though it has been a year, and our hearts still hurt with the loss of so many lives, we are proud to be a kind, positive, and loving force not only in Orlando, and in the communities around us. Kavaliro is proud to be Orlando United.
The words of Orlando Mayor Buddy a year later still ring true: “This tragedy will not define us, but will bring us together. Because we are ONE Orlando.” The victims of this senseless tragedy will never be forgotten by the Kavaliro Family. #OneLove #OneOrlando #OrlandoUnited #ActLoveGive